Sunday, February 20, 2011

Getting Started

Kind if cliche I know, but I want to document installing a 1/4 acre garden at Fiddler's Green on James Island. This will be a way for me to post pictures of what's going on with the agrarian side of my life. This first picture is the work completed after just the first day in the field. I am forming the beds by hand because I want to demonstrate the power of human labor. Many urban areas throughout the world do not have access to heavy machinery, and I believe if communities come together, large amounts of work can be done.

The best quote from this week came from Seale (her family are the "care takers" for the property). She pulls up beside the garden in her car, rolls the window down, and says in a deep southern drawl, "What are you doin'?"
I responded tentatively, "Forming the beds for the garden."
She replies, "Duh....but why are you doin' it with a shovel?"
I decided not to get into reasoning based around dependencies on machinery and fossil fuels, belief in character building exercise, or even meditation? (haha...I am out there), but how else am I going to get ripped to launch my modeling career? Hehe...JK So, I simply repeated what Felix Line (a very close grandpa of my best family friends) told me about his secret to longevity (he turns 90 in two weeks), "I heard if you sit still long enough, you eventually wither up and turn to dust."
That seemed to satisfy her curiosity, but this week I still caught Seale looking at me from around the barn with weary eyes. She must think I am some crazy white boy with nothing better to do.

More to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Love it. The idea, the plan, the method. The person. Wishing you a wonderful and beautiful season. I'm getting mine underway in as soon as all the snow clears away :) Sending you good energy from across the way.
