I cannot think of a better time to be in the Holy City. Riding a bike downtown in Mid-April entrances the mind in an ocean of star-jasmine blooms. It is quite possibly the world's best smelling flower...any doubters out there?
Mid-April also marks the ripening of the region's first tree fruits. Loquats (or Japanese Plums...see picture) hang like free candy-balls from evergreen branches. Looks to be a bumper crop across the city as the harsh frosts from last winter were beaten back by slightly warmer temps on the peninsula.
Black and White mulberries are also ripening away. You will know these trees because they are chock full of birds and the berries stain anything underneath a bright purple. They look like elongated black berries but are not as sweet. I think they are perfect to sprinkle on cereal in the morning. I didn't want to walk the 4 blocks to the ripest tree in my neighborhood just for a picture, so I will add one soon.
Prickly pears are also ripe. These are bright purple fruit at the end of a cactus....they are perfect to liven up a banana smoothly for some extra fiber and anti-oxidants, but be SURE to remove the spines! Will get some pics of these too.
Oh how I miss Charleston in the spring time. Juicy loquat and mulberry pie. Reminds me of Timmy. The memories are so fresh, they make me crave a long visit. and a bike ride with you and Marissa. I'm glad I can read and see your progress on the farm. It all looks amazing. You always amaze me.