The comfrey is getting huge (notice my toe to the right for sense of scale). I am continually cutting the buds off the plants so they can put more energy into leaf production and less into flowering.
My modest blueberry crop is ripening well. I am impressed as this is only the patch's first year. Next year should more than double the harvest.
Check out this BEAUTIFUL black swallowtail caterpillar. I think it's so interesting how certain pests attack certain plants. Without fail, every time I have grown dill, whether in Knoxville, Charleston, Wadmamalaw, or even New Zealand, these guys show up for a feast. They grow so fast and eat so much but are so wonderfully nice to look at that I can't bear to kill them. The dill is sacrificed for beauty.
I planted one lime tree in the garden and it's currently putting on some strong growth and bloom production. These flowers rival star jasmine for best smell.
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