I was out of town last week in Durham, NC installing a pre-vegetated green roof grow field. I realize that doesn't mean much to you, but basically it is an acre of roll-up mats that have to be cultivated on a farm before they are delivered to a project. I will try to get some pictures of the installation up soon.
Only two days off "work" to tie up loose ends on the farm before our next installation on Kiawah Island next week. These pictures are of today's harvest: purple-top turnip, 2 head lettuces, 2 kales, daikon radish, basil, mint, bok choy, and white globe turnip. I am looking forward to dinner tonight :)
Oh and check out this cute radish that is shaped like a snow man!
The weeds are getting out of hand, so tomorrow I will spend a substantial amount of time with my hoe.
Hope you got a lot of satisfaction out of all that hoeing ;)